ok since i berangan nk wt theme siver+pink for my engagement day...
for the hantaran deco, i ingt i nk wt theme pillow la...hehe
i xingt mne i dpt this pict...(tuan pnye pict sory sesgt)...but i relly like this pillow theme =)
so since dh wt theme pillow tu..tbe2 tpikir plak..erh cake nnti i nk ltk cmne kt ats pillow tu...almk~~~ so try la tgk2 cake pe yg seswaiiii utk ltk ats pillow tu...then i jmpe this cake...which is i rse seswai dgn theme pillow tu...n the cake it self call 'pillow cake'...=)
this 'pillow cake' i jmpe kt
Sweet Thing by MadAboutCake...... legenye dpt jmpe cake nie...so nnti i akn ltk cake ni tros ats dulang hntran..no need any pillow...only this pillow cake itself (and of course silver color pillow cake with pink flower)...=)